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Monstera-  a plant with presence is a tropical plant from the Araceae family. In the jungle this plant can grow to be dozens of feet tall with large leaves that can spread two feet in width. Wonder about the holes in the Monstera leaves?  One theory is that these holes maximize the leaf's surface area and therefore its ability to capture light below larger plants and trees in the rainforest. The other theory is that it allows the tropical downpours to pass through the leaves thereby limiting the damage to the leaf and plant. Whatever the theory the result it an interesting plant. In our homes this plant is a bit more contained, but this plant does need some space. It is a statement plant so make sure to give it the room it needs.


Monstera plants prefer bright filtered light. If placed in direct sun the leaves will yellow, but if placed in a dark location they will exhibit phototropism where the new leaves will grow towards the dark. Light balance is essential for a healthy even growth

Water your Monstera evenly in a circle around the exterior of the planter about once a week or when the soil is fairly but not completely dry. Mist your plant regularly with room temperature water to provide the humidity this plant craves.

 As with all plants rotate your plant periodically to ensure even grown on all sides towards the natural source of light and clean your leaves regularly to remove dust allowing you plant to do its job and photosynthesize efficiently providing your space with clean air.


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