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The family of Sansevieria Plants include over 70 species including Vipers Bowstring, Future Robsta, Twisted Sister, Golden Hahnii, Conical, Banana, Patula Boncel just to name a few.

These plants tolerate a wide variety of conditions and are considered the easiest plants to care for from the plant world. They will  tolerate  from low north light to high light.  Unsure of your lighting conditions in your home or office space these are the perfect plant for those conditions or the perfect gift when sending to someone when you are unsure of their light conditions.

Sansevieria like to dry out completely between watering. They generally need to be watered once every 3 weeks but will tolerate going for longer periods of up to 5 weeks. The only thing they do not like is too much water.  Plants in lower light conditions will need longer times in between watering while plants in  high light and warm locations will need a shorter period between watering. The key is to not water your plant if you detect any moisture in the soil to the depth of its roots.

As with all plants rotate your plant periodically to ensure even grown on all sides towards the natural source of light and clean your leaves regularly to remove dust allowing you plant to do its job and photosynthesize efficiently providing your space with clean air.

This family of plants should be have a diluted liquid fertilizer applied every other watering in spring through summer. Fall through winter are considered dormant times for plants and a time they should not be fertilized.

These plants prefer well draining soil. Use a sandy or cactus soil, changing the soil every two years for the health of the plant in the Spring.


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