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The family of philodendron plants is vast with each taking on a different shape from hanging plant,  to floor plant to climbing plant and just as varied are their leaves and leaf colour. Mature plants are spectacular as are the rarer specimens. These plants are are one of the easier of the plants from the tropical family to care for.

Philodendron are for the Araceae family and tend to have glossy and textured leaved. They are a great plant option to help remove toxins from the air. Some of the less common plants like the Burle Marx, who is named after Roberto Brule Marx,  the first architect to use native plants in modern landscape design or the Birkin whose variegated beauty was created by a mutation from the Rojo Congo are becoming very popular due to their unique leaves.

So what do these plants need? To thrive these plants need bright indirect light. These plants like their soil to be moist by not soggy. Too much water and their root system will rot. Humidity is their best friend si if your space is dry, purchase a humidifier to help these plants thrive.

The plants should be repotted every two years with loose mix soil. They do not like their root system being compacted. When changing soil it a good time to upsize your pot, just make sure to only go up one size as anything larger will send your plant into a panic.


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