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Livistonia Chinensis Palm






A striking architectural palm native to Japan these plants are ideal for medium to bright light locations.  Interiorscapers love these plants as they are drought tolerant and  add an exotic aspect to their environment.

Livistonia palms to best in bright filtered light ie in an Eastern exposure window and prefer a temperature range of 60 to 70 degrees.

Like all tropical plants they do not like drafts. Make sure when placing your plant it is kept away from HVAC vents or touching the glass on your windows as well as exterior doors.

When watering this plant you want to avoid a situation that promotes root rot. They prefer to be kept on the moist side (not soggy) but are very drought tolerant. On average this plant should be watered once a week, but this is dependant on how warm/ cool the environment is and the size of the plant. If you do not have a water filtration that removes chlorine, minerals and fluoride from your water (one of the causes of burnt tips and browning leaves) leave your water at room temperature in an open container for 24 hrs. This family of plants should be fertilized with  a diluted palm plant liquid fertilizer applied ever other watering in spring through summer.

Palms prefer a humid environment. Misting with room temperature water a few times a week will benefit the plant and also help to keep its leaves clean.

As with all plants rotate your plant periodically to ensure even grown on all sides towards the natural source of light and clean your leaves regularly to remove dust allowing you plant to do its job and photosynthesize efficiently providing your space with clean air.

Insects. Palms are susceptible to spider mites, mealy bogs and scale. If spotted early these issues can be resolved quickly. Each misting of your plant is a good time to check for these pesky bugs. A solution of rubbing alcohol and water in most cases applied a for a few weeks will do the trick of getting rid of any bugs. Make sure to check all your plants to ensure is it not an issue with other plants in your home.


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