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Ficus Family






Ah the Ficus family - plants that do not like to move, do not like their light to change, do not like any kind of drafts or light too little or light too strong, do not like dry air or soggy soil. Finicky plants but one of our favourites.


Most ficus plants are native to central Africa and have similar needs and care. They prefer bright filtered light and in south facing windows can be placed within 6 feet of a south facing window and still have sufficient light. For east and west windows place directly next to windows that are filtered by a sheer. Ficus do not do well in North facing light.  For Ficus light is CRITICAL for them to thrive but they will scorch if placed in directly sunlight without a filter.

These plants prefer warm temperatures , if they find it too cold they may go dormant and drop all their leaves, therefore keep them away from drafts, single paned windows or air vents.

Like all tropical plants humidity is their best friend. Mist them regularly with room temperature water drying off leafs gently by patting them or shaking off excess water to avoid bacteria growth. Ficus abhor dry environments and drafts are their enemy. They should never be placed in line of an AC vent or door.

Of course as a tropical plant these plants like moisture. How much they need will depend on the amount of sunlight they receive and how humid and warm the air is. Water your plant once  a week to keep it moist approximately 750 ml for a medium size plant, avoiding over watering to prevent rot. Check before watering by inserting your finger in the top two inches of soil, if it feels dry then go ahead and water otherwise wait a day or two and check again. 

Do not move these plants. Pick a spot that has the correct light and away from drafts and then leave for it to become accustomed to its new home. It is very common for ficus plants to drop leaves when they move or during seasonal changes as the light changes.

Leaf issues:

If only the lower leaves are dropping one at time is usually due to changed in light and the plant will channel its energy to new growth at the top. If many leaves fall all of a sudden it is the environment the plant is int. It could be hot/ cold air on the plant or too much sun or sudden temperature changes. Make sure your plant is in the correct space for it to grow.

Leaves turning brown on the edges or tips. The air is most likely too dry and it may be feeling a draft. The other cause can be erratic watering that allows the soil to stay too dry for long periods.

Spots on leaves, most likely caused to fungal disorders from watering which has resulted in root rot. Leaf spots that have a yellow hallo are due to bacteria growth which may be cased by water sitting on the leaves. Insect issues may also cause spots. Inspect your plants for mites and mealybugs on a regular basis. The little buggers can travel in on our shoes clothing and leap on to your plants.






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