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Cactus are character plants. Each variety has its own unique style.  Due to urbanization many of the natural growing cactus are becoming endangered in their natural habitat. As indoor plants they are slow growers that require bright south facing light to thrive. Rotate the planter once ever two weeks a 1/4 turn to allow even light and prevent the plant from leaning towards the sun.

Depending on where the plant is placed it may dry out quicker and require more frequent watering, if in doubt it is better to underwater than overwater. The humidity in the room and the time of year in addition to the AC/ Heating are all factors that vary from home to home and affect individual plant's watering needs.

Start by watering once a month approx one and half cups of water for large plants (reduce for medium to smaller sizes)  pouring water slowly around circumference of plant. Insert finger into the soil approx an inch down and feel the moisture level. If it feels moist a month after watering wait a few days and check again. Once the soil feels dry water again.

In winter months cactus if in a humid area do not water. If in a very dry environment water at 1/3 of the rate every six to eight weeks. As this is their dormant period make sure the soil is dry to the depth of two inches.



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