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What all alocasia have in common are their leaves. Each unique to its variety but always striking.


Most alocasias have similar needs and care.  Alocasia are natural subtopic plants that grow under the canopy of other plants and therefore prefer bright dappled light. The need to be kept away from harsh direct sun. East- facing light is the idea light for these plants or five to 6 feet away from a south facing window.

These plants prefer warm temperatures , if they find it too cold they may go dormant and drop all their leaves, therefore keep them away from drafts, single paned windows or air vents.

Like all tropical plants humidity is their best friend. They abhor dry environments. To increase humidity if the light is correct these are great plants for washrooms, or group several tropical plants together and mist regularly with room temp water to create a humid atmosphere for them to thrive.

Of course as a tropical plant these plants like moisture. How much the need will depend on the amount of sunlight they receive and how humid the air is.

In the summer growing months water your plant once or twice a week to keep it moist, avoiding over watering to prevent rot. In winter only water when the top two inches of soil feels dry.  approx every 10 days. However do not let the soil go bone. 

Alocasia can be grown in well draining soil or even sphagnum moss mixed with orchid bark and perlite.




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